How To Create An Online Business

How to create an online business – it literally takes 4 steps.

It’s that simple? Yes.

Don’t create massive hurdles to your online success by overthinking things. Break it down into its components and focus on each of them as steps in the process and you’ll be on your way to creating an online business in no time.

Earning More (online) is a key part of my Financial Freedom Formula.


Right, so let’s step into it. What are the 4 steps?

1. Find Your Niche

People make this harder than it has to be, and I had the same struggles when I first started out. However, don’t overthink the niche thing either. What is your passion? What are you really interested in and enjoy spending time doing? What are you doing when the hours literally melt away? What are your hobbies?

This video explains finding a niche in quite a bit of detail.

And remember, the niche you choose now isn’t your forever niche. It may be, but you may change after a while – but at least you’ll have developed the skills to make the next niche boom from the outset. Additionally, you may add niches and end up running a number of niche websites.

2. Build a Website

Don’t worry – you don’t need to know any specialist skills or coding. These days, there are so many tools available to help people build websites. Plus, building something like that yourself allows you to add your own personal touch – plus, what an achievement!

This could also mean creating a YouTube channel or Instagram presence rather than a website. Or maybe you’d prefer all 3 and more. But the aim is to have a public presence and medium to attract visitors and traffic to monetise.

3. Create Quality Content

Creating quality blogs posts and articles is not a feat reserved for the most talented of writers out there. If you’re writing about something that you know well and enjoy, creating the content will come easily and naturally.

Additionally, if your interest or niche lies in an area where there are already established voices, it doesn’t matter. You will have your own unique way of getting your message across and there will always be people who resonate with your take on things; so just give it a shot!

The key to creating content that generates traffic is KEYWORDS (see what I did there?). Keywords tools are your best friend when it comes to researching and identifying the right keywords to target. I use one called Jaaxy and you can check it out here.

4. Generate Traffic and Earnings

Following the above steps, generating quality content off of quality keywords, creating and posting content on a regular basis, will put you in a favourable light with the search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.). And when you’re in their good books, they reward you – with favourable rankings!

The better your website ranks, the more views you are likely to get and resultantly the more traffic your site will generate.

And traffic equals money. Without people visiting your site, you have no hope of making any affiliate commissions, direct sales or even advertising revenues.

Now, the above is a very simplistic overview of the process, but when you look at it this way, it becomes a systematic approach and one that you can follow intuitively. There will be additional mini-steps to take to achieve these milestones, but approach everything one step at a time and you’ll crush it.

Do you want help from start to finish with this process? Here’s a link to a full course for building an online business. And it’s FREE.

To your success.


6 thoughts on “How To Create An Online Business”

  1. I really appreciate how you made this article how to create an online business simple and easy to understand, so do you provide private mentoring for your readers who decide to start their own online business?


    • Hi Jeff,
      Thanks for the comment.
      Yes, I do 🙂 The training and online community I’m involved with has extensive tools and resources, however I also offer free access to myself for all the people who join this community via my website.
      A more detailed, personal and tailored mentorship program is something that I’m working towards in the future 🙂

  2. Thanks for breaking down the process of creating an online business in 4 steps. Making money from your website isn’t easy. Knowing your audience is essential if you hope to build a site that will continue to grow for years to come. Not only will you need to know what type of content to provide at your site, but you can also determine what types of products you could create and sell, what products you could promote as an affiliate.

    If you don’t have a true understanding of your audience you are basically just guessing. You may have some success this way, but knowing your audience will give you a huge advantage.

  3. This is so simple and most easiest information to help create an online business. You have explained in the smaller section right from choosing a niche to all the way to making money successfully. I strongly feel anyone who follows your advice will make it a success online.

    Tank you for helping so many of us out there.

    Best Regards


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